Nordic Technologies
Social media
Nordic Technologies in partnership with Greentech Marine have designed a solution for treatment of water onboard the ships ‘Gunnar Thorson’…
In June 2018 Nordic Technologies won the assignment to do a study with the aim of determining the feasibility of…
Nordic Technologies A/S and our Shandong partner Jinan FND visited our new project site yesterday (30. June) in order to…
Nordic Technologies A/S has been chosen by the China Europe Water Platform Lot 2 Rural Water and Food Security (PIRURAL)…
Visit to Ningxia Province and Yinchuan Water Bureau. Nordic Technologies A/S was invited to visit Ningxia Province in relation to…
Nordic Technologies A/S i a partner in the newly EU founded project “PI Rural Water and Food Security” where we…
Nordic Technologies A/S is proud to announce that our Indian production company is now fully registered and legal in India.…
On behalf of Nordic Technologies A/S we wish all our Chinese partners and friends a happy New Year. 祝大家 新年快乐…
Torsdag den 25. januar 2018 afholdt MidtNet og Eksportforeningen et seminar om danske Cleantech virksomheders muligheder i Kina. Peter Ølbye…
Nordic Technologies og Blue Control er i Børsen med projektet “Lemon Lake”, som er første projekt i det dansk-kinesiske vandsamarbejde.…