Freshwater is becoming less and less and supplies getting more difficult while demand increases worldwide. Many more local municipalities and industries are considering desalination as a new water source to prevent water scarcity and secure a stable water supply.

At Nordic Technologies, we have developed an interesting program for de-salination ranging from small plants for ideal for coastal and rural areas to large-scale ones like our 50,000 m3/day Desalination Plant.

Small scale de-salination

Our small-scale plants are producing fresh drinking water from 4 m3 to 18 m3 a day and is based on the AQSep solution designed and produced in Denmark. The small plant is made for easy installation and low maintenance and can be deployed in any coastal area or where you have a high degree of salinity in the groundwater.

You can establish your own, private water supply; or you can construct a powerful supplementary or back-up water system, in the event of problems with your existing water supply. You can also share your new AqSep product with neighbours or other houses in the vicinity and still have plenty of water for normal domestic use.

For small hotels and resorts in islands with no or little fresh water available the AqSep systems are ideal as primary water supply systems. 

Containerized Water Treatment Solutions

Modular systems

Nordic Technologies provides a modular containerized plug-and-play desalination solution with a capacity from 100 m3 to 1500 m3 day. The plants are pre-fabricated at our partner factory and is shipped ready for installation.

Easy installation

Our solutions are being shipped directly to site for direct installation requiring a minimum of free space and construction. Can be used as a permanent solution or dismantled when needed.

Our models handle both seawater and brackish water, at the most competitive cost available.

Working with Nordic Technologies for mid-size desalination you will get:

  • Turn-key projects
  • Preassembled, containerized modules for fast installation and commissioning.
  • High-quality components
  • Remote technical support
  • Easy expansion (modular)
  • Easy relocation or resale

Where to use? Unlimited possibilities:

  • Municipalities
  • Coastal areas
  • Industrial sites
  • Construction sites
  • Resorts
  • Park Irrigation
  • Portable Water

For support and quotes please contact our technical department at